There is far more to recovery than just stopping your drug or alcohol use. Most individuals who have struggled with substance use issues have found that the real work of recovery begins after all use has stopped. The challenge becomes about reintegrating yourself into life; the inevitable “starting over” that must come after you have spent time in an addiction program and have freed yourself from drugs and alcohol.
If you or someone you care about is worried about starting over after having spent time in an addiction treatment program, the specialists at Spokane Falls Recovery Center can help. Reach out to us online today, or call us at 844.962.2775 to learn more.
Starting Over After an Addiction Program
Once you have completed an addiction treatment program and are in recovery, there are several steps you must take that will help ease your transition back into normal life. Naturally, not all of these work for every individual battling alcohol and drug use problems, but the following list is an excellent place to start.
Find and Develop a Support Network
Finding a supportive group made up of friends, family, and peers in recovery is an essential component of avoiding relapse. When you are in an addiction treatment center, you are surrounded by individuals who are there to support you and who have similar goals to yours. This will not be the case back in the “everyday” world of work, school, and family commitments. A strong support network can help you handle the stressors and triggers that you are sure to encounter, and will provide that extra layer of accountability you need to maintain your recovery.
Make Your Physical Health a Priority
A substance use disorder creates adverse physical effects that may take a significant amount of time to overcome. In addition to the poor nutrition that often accompanies addiction, drugs and alcohol themselves take a severe toll on the body. In the weeks, months, and years following your time in addiction treatment, your body will need to rebuild itself through exercise, proper nutrition, and plenty of rest. Seeking out new hobbies and activities that can help with this part of the recovery process is also an excellent way to develop your support network!
Find Employment That Is Fulfilling and Allows for Stability
Learning how to manage your money effectively after months or years of having a substance use problem be the center of your life can be challenging. An excellent place to start is to make sure that your employment is stable and to come up with a plan that allows you to get back on your feet by saving money. If you are unhappy in your current profession or are unemployed, reach out to an addiction treatment program like Spokane Falls Recovery Center to get resources involving career counseling as well as financial management advice or classes.
Develop and Maintain Healthy Routines
As many long-time users will tell you, the keys to achieving genuine recovery after an addiction program are discipline and consistency. This can be as simple as planning your days and weeks so that you can avoid unstructured time. That fact is, if you have a gym date, a hike, an AA meeting, or a meet-up with a peer in recovery on your calendar, you are more likely to attend.
Reflect on Your Successes and Look to a Brighter Future
In many instances, it can be detrimental to dwell on your past when you are in recovery. Wallowing in the past can lead an individual down a negative road, yet it is necessary to reflect on how far you have come. It is also important that you do little things to reward yourself for your successes! Now that you have freed yourself from drugs and alcohol in an addiction program, the future could not be brighter, and you deserve to live your best life each day from now on.
Contact the Addiction Program at Spokane Falls Recovery Center
If you or someone close to you needs help beginning life again after completing an addiction program, or is not yet at that stage in their journey and needs treatment, do not hesitate. Reach out to the compassionate team of experts at Spoke Falls Recovery Center today using our secure online form, or by calling 844.962.2775.