a man with glasses sits with a woman on a couch as they hold hands and talk about how to help an alcoholic who doesn't want help

How to Help an Alcoholic Who Does Not Want Help

Facing the challenge of helping someone with an alcohol addiction who refuses help can be profoundly troubling and emotional. It is crucial to understand that alcohol addiction is a complex condition influenced by psychological, physical, and environmental factors, making the path to recovery a highly personal one. Approaching this situation requires compassion, patience, and understanding,…

a group of people sit in group therapy as rehabilitation for alcoholism and listen to each other talk

Therapy for Rehabilitation for Alcoholism

Recognizing and addressing alcohol addiction is a crucial step toward healing and recovery for many individuals and their families. It is essential to approach this sensitive topic with empathy and understanding, as people with alcohol addiction often face not only physical challenges but also emotional and psychological hurdles. The path to recovery is not a…

a person is out to lunch and struggles with eating their lunch and asks their friend does alcohol suppress appetite

Does Alcohol Suppress Appetite? The Danger Behind It

Does alcohol suppress appetite? This is a question that has crossed many minds. The answer is far from straightforward. Spokane Falls Recovery Center is here to provide you with the information and resources you need to understand the impact of alcohol on appetite and overall health. With a compassionate approach, we aim to educate and…

a woman leans on a ledge while outside and looks afar thinking about if she is showing signs of being a functional alcoholic

Am I a Functional Alcoholic?

Alcohol addiction is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition affecting millions worldwide. Unfortunately, many individuals with addictions do not recognize the severity of their condition and often downplay addiction. Although functioning alcoholics can maintain their personal and professional relationships while regularly consuming alcohol, it is essential to understand that they might be struggling with alcohol…

a group of people sit together in a circle in therapy and discuss the stages of alcohol recovery

5 Stages of Alcohol Recovery

Recovery from alcohol addiction is a journey, not a destination. It is a process that unfolds in stages, each bringing its challenges and rewards. At an alcohol rehab center, understanding these stages of alcohol recovery is integral to offering comprehensive support, guidance, and treatment to those navigating the path to sobriety. In the realm of…

man struggling to get up and out of bed believes he is suffering with the signs of alcoholism

Signs of Alcoholism

Regular drinking and frequent alcohol intoxication substantially increase the risk of social, medical, and psychological problems. Alcohol addiction is characterized by uncontrolled dependence on alcohol regardless of the consequences. Like many other health issues, addiction is easier to treat when detected early, but many individuals go to great lengths to conceal their condition. When someone…