a family stays sober on memorial day

Staying Sober on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed the last Monday in May to honor and mourn American military personnel who have died in the line of duty. Memorial Day is widely considered the unofficial start of summer and is often celebrated with picnics, barbecues, and parties involving alcohol and possibly other substances. These social events…

man wondering how to set healthy boundaries during treatment

How to Set Healthy Boundaries During Treatment

One of the most important things you can do for yourself while working toward recovery is setting healthy boundaries during treatment. There may be people in your orbit who don’t have your best interests at heart or can’t respect the fact that you’re committed to making real and lasting changes in your life. Setting boundaries…

Trusting the Process: Letting Go of Control

At Spokane Falls Recovery Center, we believe that sobriety is possible, and recovery is lifechanging. When long-term sobriety is achieved, significant change is inevitable. Growth occurs naturally when we are able to put down the drink and work a program of recovery. Anyone who has gone through this process can attest that each new challenge…

man thinking about how to start over after an addiction program

How to Start Over After Attending an Addiction Program

There is far more to recovery than just stopping your drug or alcohol use. Most individuals who have struggled with substance use issues have found that the real work of recovery begins after all use has stopped. The challenge becomes about reintegrating yourself into life; the inevitable “starting over” that must come after you have…

man talking about connection and human relationships

Connection: Rediscovering the Significance of Human Relationships

“Suffering does not solve any problem mechanically as much as it reveals the constant problem that we are to ourselves, and opens up new spaces within us for learning and loving” – Richard Rohr   Connecting With Others Life is about connection. Human beings are social creatures. We are often at our best when we…

couple holding hands about to begin alcohol addiction treatment in Spokane Falls

The Need for Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol addiction affects people all over the world. Millions of people in the United States are impacted every year by the realities of substance abuse, and those in Washington State are no exception. Once you have become addicted to alcohol, you will likely need the help of a professional alcohol addiction treatment center to stop…