Synthetic drugs have quickly become a national problem in recent years, especially among our youth. Also referred to as club drugs or party drugs, synthetic drugs are artificially manufactured, often in illegal labs. Synthetic drugs can mimic the effects of other illicit drugs, and dealers market them as safer alternatives. However, their production is unregulated, and manufacturers constantly change their chemical makeup to avoid Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regulation. As a result, they are much more dangerous than their natural counterparts. Synthetic drug abuse can and frequently does lead to addiction that requires help from a synthetic drug addiction treatment program.
At Spokane Falls Recovery Center, our synthetic drug addiction treatment program is on the cutting-edge of therapeutic practices. We recognize the importance of this because the ever-changing nature of synthetic drug development results in constantly changing side effects. Call 844.962.2775 to learn more about our synthetic drug addiction treatment program.
What Are the Dangers of Abusing Synthetic Drugs?
The manufacturers of synthetic drugs use many tricks to keep their products legal and easily accessible. By constantly changing the chemical makeup of their drugs, they avoid federal regulations and having their drugs classified as illegal. The result is highly dangerous drugs of unknown potency that can produce unpredictable side effects. Synthetic drugs are available online and in various retail locations with deceptive labels such as not intended for human consumption. Furthermore, there are no age restrictions for their purchase because of how dealers market them.
Besides addiction and the risk of overdose, which can be fatal, numerous physical, psychological, and social health risks come with synthetic drug abuse and addiction.
Short-Term and Long-Term Physical Risks
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- High blood pressure
- Seizures
- Vomiting
- Chest pain
Psychological Risks
- Hallucinations
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Psychotic behavior
- Homicidal behavior
- Self-harming behaviors
Social Risks
- Domestic violence
- Legal trouble
- Unemployment
- Financial problems
- Housing insecurity
- Difficulty at school and higher drop-out rates
Using synthetic drugs with alcohol, opioids, stimulants, or other illicit drugs can be potentially lethal.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Synthetic Drug Addiction?
Addiction of any kind impacts people differently, depending upon many factors. These factors include the person’s age, mental health, physical health, length of use, severity, and substance(s) they used. Nevertheless, if you are concerned that you or a loved one is addicted to synthetic drugs, consider these warning signs and symptoms:
- Inability to control synthetic drug use despite trying to cut down or stop
- Neglecting responsibilities at home, work, or school
- Developing a tolerance or needing more of the drug to produce the same effects
- Secrecy surrounding activities and whereabouts
- Continuing to use synthetic drugs despite the harm it causes
- Significant changes in appearance and hygiene practices
- Consistent conflicts in relationships with friends, family, or at school or work
Experiencing cravings and withdrawal symptoms when not using synthetic drugs is another sign of addiction. These symptoms will vary by substance, length of use, amount of use, and your unique makeup.
A Look at the Most Popular Synthetic Drugs
The exact number of synthetic drugs available is nearly impossible to track because new ones are constantly coming on the market. Some of the more popular synthetic drugs include:
- Bath salts – These are synthetic cathinones, which are stimulants. Snorting one dose of bath salts is equivalent to 10 lines of cocaine.
- Spice or K2 – The active ingredient of these synthetic cannabinoids is potentially 100 times more potent than natural marijuana.
- Flakka or gravel – This is an updated version of bath salts.
- Smiles – A hallucinogen with effects similar to LSD.
- Molly – Slang for MDMA. Molly is a stimulant believed to be a pure form of ecstasy, but it commonly contains other substances unknown to the user.
Find Treatment at Spokane Falls Recovery Center
The constantly changing nature of synthetic drugs presents challenges to treatment. At Spokane Falls Recovery Center, we remain on the cutting-edge of treatment approaches in our synthetic drug addiction treatment program to provide effective individualized treatment. We give you the tools to overcome addiction and maintain long-term recovery. Contact us at 844.962.2775 today to learn about your treatment options for synthetic drug addiction.